recent projects adventures stuff
BOdy of work
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Email me if you want to see the work I’ve got behind the curtain, or if you want a tour through the weeds on some working files.
Product Design, Ecommerce, B2C, Internal Tools
untangling Repeat Customer Checkout
Refining ORder Confirmation
Launching Gift Cards
Operation camp
Nonprofit, Fundraising, Brand Awareness, Community Building
I’m on the board of OperationCamp, a small (single-digit headcount) A 501(3)C non-profit organization that raises money to send children of fallen US service members to summer camps at little or no cost to the surviving parent or guardian. We’ve sent almost 100 kids in ten years. We can't take away their grief, but we can give them a place to make new friends, skills, and memories - and a chance for their caretakers to rest.
I designed, built, and maintain the website through Squarespace, guide the founder through updates, help plan and facilitate fundraisers, build obstacle courses, talk the founders through existential crisis, and entertain kids.
The toughest work is explaining to folks why we have to do it.